Global Lakes and Wetlands Database (GLWD) - Level 3 (GLWD-3) comprises lakes, reservoirs, rivers and different wetland types in the form of a global raster map at 30 arc-second (about 1 km) resolution. The GLWD-3 dataset has 12 classes as follows: (1) Lake; (2) Reservoir; (3) River; (4) Freshwater Marsh, Floodplain; (5) Swamp Forest, Flooded Forest; (6) Coastal Wetland (incl. Mangrove, Estuary, Delta, Lagoon); (7) Pan, Brackish/Saline Wetland; (8) Bog, Fen, Mire (Peatland); (9) Intermittent Wetland/Lake; (10) 50-100% Wetland; (11) 25-50% Wetland; (12) 0-25% Wetland.