105,011 to 105,020 of 106,217 Results
Dec 17, 2020 -
Plecotus auritus - 61018, Zoological collection of the Mammal Research Institute, PAS
JPEG Image - 150.2 KB - MD5: dfb22975110b8bf792b672b32be7b167
Dec 17, 2020 - Kolekcja ssaków / Mammal collection
Mammal Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2020, "Plecotus auritus - 49961, Zoological collection of the Mammal Research Institute, PAS", https://doi.org/10.48370/OFD/1FTWHM, openforestdata.pl, V1
Plecotus auritus (Brown Long-eared Bat) from Zoological collection of the Mammal Research Institute, PAS. Collected 1965-09-29 in: Kukawy Forestry, Jedwabna Forest District, Poland. |
Dec 17, 2020 -
Plecotus auritus - 49961, Zoological collection of the Mammal Research Institute, PAS
JPEG Image - 145.3 KB - MD5: 20b84767d6a322ba93a1810c5d17df3e
Dec 17, 2020 - Kolekcja ssaków / Mammal collection
Mammal Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2020, "Nyctalus leisleri - 89028, Zoological collection of the Mammal Research Institute, PAS", https://doi.org/10.48370/OFD/YGG4QU, openforestdata.pl, V1
Nyctalus leisleri (Leisler's Bat) from Zoological collection of the Mammal Research Institute, PAS. Collected 1969-08-15 in: Goszcz, Trzebnica Hills, Poland. |
Dec 17, 2020 -
Nyctalus leisleri - 89028, Zoological collection of the Mammal Research Institute, PAS
JPEG Image - 134.9 KB - MD5: ab73b1433a774e30e60241b1a6483a32
Dec 17, 2020 - Kolekcja ssaków / Mammal collection
Mammal Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2020, "Nyctalus leisleri - 86711, Zoological collection of the Mammal Research Institute, PAS", https://doi.org/10.48370/OFD/WCCYTS, openforestdata.pl, V1
Nyctalus leisleri (Leisler's Bat) from Zoological collection of the Mammal Research Institute, PAS. Collected 1969-09-01, in: Białowieża, Poland. |
Dec 17, 2020 -
Nyctalus leisleri - 86711, Zoological collection of the Mammal Research Institute, PAS
JPEG Image - 151.1 KB - MD5: 71bf5209d72c426424222634acb6ff30
Dec 14, 2020 - Kolekcja roślin / Herbarium
Wołkowycki, Marek, 2020, "Jodła pospolita (Abies alba Mill.), 258", https://doi.org/10.48370/OFD/LGV7GQ, openforestdata.pl, V3
Herbarium |
Dec 10, 2020 - Kolekcja ssaków / Mammal collection
Mammal Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2020, "Halichoerus grypus - 85482, Zoological collection of the Mammal Research Institute, PAS", https://doi.org/10.48370/OFD/H6UMXQ, openforestdata.pl, V1
Halichoerus grypus (Grey seal) from Zoological collection of the Mammal Research Institute, PAS. Collected 1969-05-16, in: Dziwnów, Wolin National Park, Poland. |