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Podlaskie cyfrowe repozytorium przyrodniczych danych naukowych.

Podlaskie cyfrowe repozytorium przyrodniczych danych naukowych e-puszcza
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Tab-Delimited - 15.1 KB - MD5: 74e71f01d92a0b33bea1b14fe31f71ae
The CO2 Emissions CSV Dataset contains emissions data for the top 25 emitting countries from 1975 to 2021. Each row represents a country, followed by emission values (in metric tons) recorded at key intervals. The data has been extracted, cleaned, and structured to ensure clarity...
Tab-Delimited - 4.5 KB - MD5: 0c121e6b6cb8882d73262738ba3a1037
Tab-Delimited - 210.2 KB - MD5: a72c959fcec6455a7ffcdb1dd0001445
Tab-Delimited - 5.4 KB - MD5: 748777a8ff3e286d4e56a45d9cbdb657
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