78,861 to 78,870 of 79,802 Results
Feb 1, 2021 - Kolekcja ssaków / Mammal collection
Mammal Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2021, "Myodes glareolus - 36476, Zoological collection of the Mammal Research Institute, PAS", https://doi.org/10.48370/OFD/HI9J8P, openforestdata.pl, V1
Myodes glareolus (Bank vole) from Zoological collection of the Mammal Research Institute PAS. Collected 1964-08-04, in: Białowieża National Park, Poland. Material type: head |
Feb 1, 2021 - Kolekcja ssaków / Mammal collection
Mammal Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2021, "Myodes glareolus - 36475, Zoological collection of the Mammal Research Institute, PAS", https://doi.org/10.48370/OFD/Y0DZGY, openforestdata.pl, V1
Myodes glareolus (Bank vole) from Zoological collection of the Mammal Research Institute PAS. Collected 1964-08-04, in: Białowieża National Park, Poland. Material type: head |
Feb 1, 2021 - Śledzenie zwierząt / Animal tracking
Borowik, Tomasz, 2020, "Animal tracking record sheet", https://doi.org/10.48370/OFD/GOF914, openforestdata.pl, V2, UNF:6:FDD44J31dyG7h3WjQQu0Aw== [fileUNF]
A list of specimens tracked in Białowieża Forest by Mammal Research Institute. Data consists of species name, time period when the specimen was tracked, tracking method, number of records, as well as specimen's sex, age and activity. |
Jan 28, 2021 - Kolekcja ssaków / Mammal collection
Mammal Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2021, "Myodes glareolus - 36585, Zoological collection of the Mammal Research Institute, PAS", https://doi.org/10.48370/OFD/9L58ML, openforestdata.pl, V1
Myodes glareolus (Bank vole) from Zoological collection of the Mammal Research Institute PAS. Collected 1964-08-07, in: Białowieża National Park, Poland. Material type: head |
Jan 28, 2021 - Kolekcja ssaków / Mammal collection
Mammal Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2021, "Myodes glareolus - 36584, Zoological collection of the Mammal Research Institute, PAS", https://doi.org/10.48370/OFD/LPVEVR, openforestdata.pl, V1
Myodes glareolus (Bank vole) from Zoological collection of the Mammal Research Institute PAS. Collected 1964-08-07, in: Białowieża National Park, Poland. Material type: head |
Jan 26, 2021 - Tomasz Borowik Dataverse
Borowik, Tomasz, 2021, "Moose home range size estimates (AKDE)", https://doi.org/10.48370/OFD/T463HH, openforestdata.pl, V1, UNF:6:YPLC3yY/3m/peXVG7ogHPw== [fileUNF]
The database include information on moose home range sizes estimated by AKDE method. |
Jan 26, 2021
Jan 18, 2021
Jan 18, 2021 - Kolekcja roślin / Herbarium
Wołkowycki, Marek, 2020, "Goździk skupiony (Dianthus compactus Kit.), 4730", https://doi.org/10.48370/OFD/PHMI93, openforestdata.pl, V7
Herbarium |
Jan 14, 2021 - Kolekcja ssaków / Mammal collection
Mammal Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2021, "Myodes glareolus - 36586, Zoological collection of the Mammal Research Institute, PAS", https://doi.org/10.48370/OFD/6JPWRO, openforestdata.pl, V1
Myodes glareolus (Bank vole) from Zoological collection of the Mammal Research Institute PAS. Collected 1964-08-07, in: Białowieża National Park, Poland. Material type: head |