79,321 to 79,330 of 79,767 Results
Dec 10, 2020 - Kolekcja ssaków / Mammal collection
Mammal Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2020, "Myodes glareolus - 33299, Zoological collection of the Mammal Research Institute, PAS", https://doi.org/10.48370/OFD/YLZBW5, openforestdata.pl, V1
Myodes glareolus (Bank vole) from Zoological collection of the Mammal Research Institute PAS. Collected 1963-09-05, in: Białowieża National Park, Poland. Material type: head |
Dec 10, 2020 - Kolekcja ssaków / Mammal collection
Mammal Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2020, "Myodes glareolus - 35021, Zoological collection of the Mammal Research Institute, PAS", https://doi.org/10.48370/OFD/JZQ7GZ, openforestdata.pl, V1
Myodes glareolus (Bank vole) from Zoological collection of the Mammal Research Institute PAS. Collected 1964-04-07, in: Białowieża National Park, Poland. Material type: head |
Dec 10, 2020 - Kolekcja ssaków / Mammal collection
Mammal Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2020, "Myodes glareolus - 35229, Zoological collection of the Mammal Research Institute, PAS", https://doi.org/10.48370/OFD/4YR0TQ, openforestdata.pl, V1
Myodes glareolus (Bank vole) from Zoological collection of the Mammal Research Institute PAS. Collected 1964-04-24, in: Białowieża National Park, Poland. Material type: head |
Dec 10, 2020 - Kolekcja ssaków / Mammal collection
Mammal Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2020, "Myodes glareolus - 55015, Zoological collection of the Mammal Research Institute, PAS", https://doi.org/10.48370/OFD/SBANMV, openforestdata.pl, V1
Myodes glareolus (Bank vole) from Zoological collection of the Mammal Research Institute PAS. Collected 1966-10-21, in: Białowieża National Park, Poland. Material type: head |
Dec 9, 2020 - Kolekcja ssaków / Mammal collection
Mammal Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2020, "Pipistrellus nathusii - 104692, Zoological collection of the Mammal Research Institute, PAS", https://doi.org/10.48370/OFD/RZPI8S, openforestdata.pl, V1
Pipistrellus nathusii (Nathusius’ Pipistrelle Bat) from Zoological collection of the Mammal Research Institute, PAS. Collected 1972-05-15, in: Topilo, Starzyna Forest District, Poland. |
Dec 9, 2020 - Kolekcja ssaków / Mammal collection
Mammal Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2020, "Lynx lynx - 163669, Zoological collection of the Mammal Research Institute, PAS", https://doi.org/10.48370/OFD/8PSZOL, openforestdata.pl, V1
Lynx lynx (Eurasian lynx) from Zoological collection of the Mammal Research Institute, PAS. Collected 1994-07 in: Białowieża Forest, Poland. |
Dec 9, 2020 - Kolekcja ssaków / Mammal collection
Mammal Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2020, "Nyctalus noctula - 70590, Zoological collection of the Mammal Research Institute, PAS", https://doi.org/10.48370/OFD/O5FJAN, openforestdata.pl, V1
Nyctalus noctula (Noctule Bat) from Zoological collection of the Mammal Research Institute, PAS. Collected 1967-08-23, in: Glinna Forestry, Poland. |
Dec 9, 2020 - Kolekcja ssaków / Mammal collection
Mammal Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2020, "Nyctalus noctula - 36375, Zoological collection of the Mammal Research Institute, PAS", https://doi.org/10.48370/OFD/BQ76OB, openforestdata.pl, V1
Nyctalus noctula (Noctule Bat) from Zoological collection of the Mammal Research Institute, PAS. Collected 1964-07-23, in: Topilo, Hajnówka Forest District, Poland. |
Dec 9, 2020 - Kolekcja ssaków / Mammal collection
Mammal Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2020, "Pipistrellus nathusii - 86617, Zoological collection of the Mammal Research Institute, PAS", https://doi.org/10.48370/OFD/L75HHU, openforestdata.pl, V1
Pipistrellus nathusii (Nathusius’ Pipistrelle Bat) from Zoological collection of the Mammal Research Institute, PAS. Collected 1969-08-12, in: Białowieża Forest, Poland. |
Dec 8, 2020 - Kolekcja roślin / Herbarium
Wołkowycki, Marek, 2020, "Ponikło igłowate (Eleocharis acicularis (L.) Roem. & Schult.), 1510", https://doi.org/10.48370/OFD/KPYAK1, openforestdata.pl, V2
Herbarium |