2,091 to 2,100 of 4,042 Results
Dec 21, 2020 - Kolekcja ssaków / Mammal collection
Mammal Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2020, "Bison bonasus - 167757, Zoological collection of the Mammal Research Institute, PAS", https://doi.org/10.48370/OFD/HDCZJ6, openforestdata.pl, V1
Bison bonasus (European bison) from Zoological collection of the Mammal Research Institute, PAS. Collected 2000-01-02, in: Białowieża Forest, Poland. |
JPEG Image - 102.9 KB - MD5: 02bb8090615a79219c1b4924bc3cb8f1
Dec 21, 2020 - Kolekcja roślin / Herbarium
Wołkowycki, Marek, 2020, "Nerecznica górska (Dryopteris expansa (C. Presl) Fraser-Jenk. & Jermy), 6525", https://doi.org/10.48370/OFD/M3D8YB, openforestdata.pl, V2
Herbarium |
JPEG Image - 1006.2 KB - MD5: c76c390ef4d654694671c98c425af2fa
JPEG Image - 107.3 KB - MD5: a90073d2e189ed142e1b443c1665d0e1
Dec 21, 2020 - Kolekcja roślin / Herbarium
Wołkowycki, Marek, 2020, "Nerecznica górska (Dryopteris expansa (C. Presl) Fraser-Jenk. & Jermy), 7748", https://doi.org/10.48370/OFD/JAQHA6, openforestdata.pl, V2
Herbarium |
JPEG Image - 1.5 MB - MD5: d7dd3723e0cc231bd2f91b69b2032ccc
Dec 21, 2020 - Kolekcja ssaków / Mammal collection
Mammal Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2020, "Felis catus - 51652, Zoological collection of the Mammal Research Institute, PAS", https://doi.org/10.48370/OFD/FXGEDI, openforestdata.pl, V1
Felis catus (Domestic cat) from Zoological collection of the Mammal Research Institute PAS. Collected 1966-03-27, in: Zbucz, Bielsk Plain, Poland. |
JPEG Image - 96.9 KB - MD5: 43a649bcf38f30240979e1d4a2fc5b61
Dec 21, 2020 - Kolekcja roślin / Herbarium
Wołkowycki, Marek, 2020, "Nerecznica górska (Dryopteris expansa (C. Presl) Fraser-Jenk. & Jermy), 6530", https://doi.org/10.48370/OFD/VXSZEO, openforestdata.pl, V2
Herbarium |